For Children and Young People

In this section you'll find lots of information to help you make a decision on what support you want/need, things you can do and ways you can get involved and have your voice heard


I'm interested in sessions

There’s lots of things across the city which you can get involved with. If you click the button below it will take you to our page where there is lots of information around sessions and support from across the city.


Do you need help?

If you are in immediate danger please call 999

Do you feel like you are struggling with Drugs and substance misuse?

Talk to frank

Bristol Drugs Project

These organisations can help you understand your struggles and offer free advice, guidance and support for you and your family.

Do you feel like you are struggling with your mental health?

Off the record

Off the record is a charity that gives free, confidential mental health support and information.


The Kooth service is a free online counselling and information service for children and young people.

Do you feel unsafe or scared at home or somewhere else?

NSPCC Childline

The NSPCC Childline service is free and gives children and young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they face, we give them somewhere to turn to for support when they need it.

Do you feel like you would like help and support around sex or healthy relationships?


Unity gives free and confidential advice and guidance around, sex, relationships and puberty.


Brook provides information around sexual health for young people and also provides sexual health services across the UK.


How can I have my voice heard?

There are lots of ways you can use your voice as a young person across the city - this can be through your school, play or youth club or any activity you attend. There are also lots of groups who focus on hearing young people’s views across the city. These are known as participation groups.

There are participation groups which any young person can access and there are also specific groups for young people with different life experiences such as LGBTQ+, black and minoritised ethnic communities or Disabled young people.

Follow the links below to find out more about some of the participation groups across the city:

Bristol City Youth Council

Bristol Shadow Safeguarding Board

Young Bristol - Youth Voice

Listening Partnership (Disabled Young Peoples participation group)

Freedom (LGBTQ+ participation group)

Young Carers Voice

Reconstruct (Children in Care Council)

Bristol & South Gloucestershire HYPE

Bristol Area Youth Forums

The next area youth forums are on:

Wednesday 19th June 2024